Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lactose Intolerance gone!

Starting in 2003 I notice how sick I was getting when I would eat cereal.  I would get horrible gas and diarrhea the next day.  Sorry for the TMI.  So very rarely will I eat ice cream because it causes a lot of pain, but at least I don't feel like I will gain weight from eating ice cream :)

So on my birthday in January I got some mint n chip ice cream.  I realized the next day I felt fine!  I thought may be it was a fluke or the quality of the ice cream at Cold Stones... I waited a few more weeks and tried some regular ice cream when we were in CA.  Again no problem!  So I tried a bowl of cereal with regular milk and no problem!

It never crossed my mind the upper cervical chiropractic treatment could cure lactose intolerance....May be it is just a strange coincidence, but I doubt it :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Foreign body sensation in my Eye... GONE!!!

Ok! This was the true test for me and upper cervical chiropractic care. I want to shout from the roof tops how happy I am! Every late winter/early spring since 2005 I have had the weirdest and most painful experience. It starts out with a little tingle in my eye on day one then by day two I have full blown irritated eyes. It gets so bad that I can't even open my eyes. Once I try to open them my eyes start to pulsate and tear rapidly. It feels like I have gravel underneath my eye lids. My vision goes completely blurry and I see halos around all lights. This was frightening and would last for about 2 weeks and repeat at least once during the months of January-May. It also didn't matter where I was located. The first time it ever happened was when I was in California and then all other times have been while I was living in Utah or California.

I thought it was a seasonal thing, may be a allergy thing? I went to several specialists and had them witness right before the doctor's eyes this pulsating freak of nature reaction. None of them could figure out the problem. It kind of seemed like dry eye, but my tear tests came back perfectly. What is up with me having crazy symptoms, but no logical cause?!?!?

Well it is April 1st and I don't want to jinx myself, but I have had NO reactions whatsoever!!!! I am so thrilled! I remember bookmarking this article that talks about foreign body sensation a couple of years ago. It's interesting I just re-read the opening paragraph which states, "The sensation that something is in the eye commonly brings people to the ophthalmologist. This is referred to as a "foreign body sensation", as if a foreign object were scratching the eye. Usually this sensation originates from the cornea, which is the clear part of the eye through which we see. The cornea has a large number of nerve fibers that are normally covered by a lining. If this lining is breached, the sensation that something is in the eye results, whether or not anything is actually there."

Notice it talks about "nerve fibers" in the cornea! I bet 10 million dollars because my central nervous system is working at it's prime that it was able to able fix whatever was damaging those nerve fibers. I am not great at describing technical/scientific information, but I know in my gut that getting my chiropractic adjustments from Dr. Jensen has fixed my eye problems!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Still Holding My adjustment

Sorry I have been gone for a few weeks in CA. I thought for sure falling asleep in the car and going on rollercoasters would throw my neck out of alignment, but my muscles are getting stronger!

I feel great. I really do. I have not felt this well in a very long time. I know a lot of people think Chiropractors are worthless and it is a scary waste of time. It truly is not. I had a unique experience of seeing a chiropractor from a very young age. I was born 3 months early and put into foster homes. The first family that got me had an awesome Dad that saw a chiropractor regularly. I know I had a rough start to life and so deficient in many ways and I truly believe my Chiropractor helped me have the best life. I remember when I was 10 years old I was puking like crazy. At first we thought it was a stomach bug, but it continued on for several days. I went to the chiropractor. I remember he asked me questions about what I was doing before I got sick and I remember I got hit in the head playing kickball. I was adjusted and I remember within minutes my pale green color went back to normal. That has always stuck with me. It was amazing.

Your body has thousands upon thousands of nerves running throughout body and they are all connected. If your central nervous system is not running to it's best ability we can suffer all sorts of pain and discomfort.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Upper Cervical Retracing | Gall Bladder

I have suffered pain in my Gall Bladder for a few years now. I have had a constant pain just below my right rib cage. I had my appendix removed in 2010 and had the surgeon take a peak at my gallbladder when he was in there. He said it looked perfect. I have also had multiple ultrasounds done through the years looking for gall stones and all came back well. I remember when I was researching upper cervical it said it could help with gall bladder pain. I hoped and pray that getting my body in balance again would do the trick and guess what? It did! Tonight when I was laying on the couch I had this really strange pain just below my right rib cage. It was way different than I ever felt before. It felt like my gall bladder squeezed out some gunk. I know this sounds silly and gross, but the best way to describe it, is like my gall bladder squeezed out a fart with some poopy gunk with it. I wonder if there was some kind of bile slush that was stuck in there. I know I don't have stones, but may be it was backed up with crystalized slush, is that a technical term :) ?

I know my central nervous system is working at it's best right now. It's amazing! If you are looking for a chiropractor in Riverton please contact Dr. Jeffrey Jensen!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Upper Cervical Retracing | Appendix

Dr. Jensen taught me about retracing. Here is a great quick read on what retracing means when it occurs after an upper cervical adjustment. I think it is super cool and I can notice my body doing it! I had my appendix removed in the summer of 2010. I had a pain last night in the exact same spot of where my appendix was removed.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Upper Cervical in a baby cures constipation

My little guy Joe is 7 months old. I have always been very proud that me, my husband and my oldest son have been great poopers :) Joe has been stopped up for several days now. I read that a lot of babies are out of alignment from descending down the birth canal. So I had Dr. Jeffrey Jensen take a look at Joe. Sure enough he was out of alignment. Dr. Jensen aligned Joe and not even 24 hours later Joe had an excellent poo! By the way if anyone is wondering if giving a baby an upper cervical adjustment is scary, don't worry. It is super gentle and Joe was smiling at Dr. Jensen the whole time :) I know a lot of mom's out there have children that are constipated. So it is definitely worth taking a child in to see a Blair Chiropractor that focuses on Upper Cervical Specific. Children, especially infants hold their adjustments for a very long time, I am talking months. And most Chiropractors will do a wellness check for free. If you are looking for a Chiropractor in Riverton, Utah look now further, Dr. Jensen is AWESOME!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Upper Cervical Chiropractor Dr. Jensen helped me Breathe!

I do not have asthma, nor do I have severe allergies. I have always been able to breathe fine. But the day after I was adjusted I woke up and I thought to myself... I feel like I can breathe amazingly well. It's crazy cool. I have never felt this way. It is almost like I am top of a beautiful mountain and the air coming in to my lungs is crisp and clean. It is an awesome feeling!

I do have a bad headache and my right foot kind hurts to walk on without shoes. Dr. Jensen said when you get adjusted for the first time you can be sore and there are 3 categories that people fall into:
1. They feel an immediate change for the better
2. They feel nothing
3. They feel worse

Your body goes through so much throughout the years. Mine in particular has been through a lot. So I know getting my central nervous system back into alignment is going to take some discomfort to get it to it's prime functioning capabilities.

What is so uncomfortable and cool at the same time is my foot and head hurt, but I have so much energy and I can breathe better! I know before I was adjusted my right leg was almost 1.5 inches shorter than my left. Now that I am balanced it's going to take a little bit for right leg to figure out how to walk properly again.

This is a little uncomfortable, but totally worth it!